Friday, September 19, 2008


Brothers and sisters, today I want to share with you guys about how I pray and repent for my own sin. Whenever we sin, be it lust, selfishness, greeds, arrogance or others.. we should always seek Jesus for forgiveness. The bible says sin is the barrier between God and us because we did not live up to God's standard and glory. I know the battle with satan is difficult, therefore we need to seek God's help. Simply mumble or run the prayers in our mind casually is not going to help. This is what I do that I wanna share...

Go to a spot where you can look up into the sky. Tell yourself to soften your heart at this moment, remember how Jesus sacrifice himself through the torment and pain? For each sin contributes in Jesus' pain. It's our sin that causes Jesus' death. So now... seek strength from God so that we could handle satan and be the true disciple and children of God. Ask our holy spirit to remind us about Jesus' pain the next time when we are about to sin. Then keep your mind where it is now and think about Jesus for a minute or more.. Think about the great things that happen in your life and that are given by Him. For the gratitude and appreciations, we promise to sin no more.

Dear Jesus, I thank you for giving us all the great things in life, and support us in such a peaceful and safe land call Singapore. As we live in the peace, we often forgot and neglected the wellness you put us in. There are so many others who are less fortunate than us but why? Because Jesus you have loved us and keep us safe and loved. For this, brothers and sisters, we must remind ourselves about all the good things we received and never forget to thank God and appreciate them. And not be selfish to share the good things we receive from God with others, so as to spread God's love. What is given to us came from God, that we cannot receive them by ourselves. For this, we shall not greed because each gift is a bonus. For everything come through God, we will not be arrogant and proud to claim the credits to ourselves. Instead, be humble and thank God and everyone who helped us in the achievements. Amen!

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