Saturday, September 27, 2008


Today will be a random post.... haha~ I'll like to share about something I read from a book call "Language of God" and certain questions in this book will help new believers like myself to understand God better. The first question will be.. "If our God is a loving God, why are there innocent people who suffers?". Probably you already knew the answer if you are strong in spiritual growth and that's really good! Okay so according to the above question, this is the story..

Story: (short cut version, this lady is the daughter of the author)
There is one a stormy night, a house was broken into by a man while the owner, an innocent and righteous young lady is doing her research onto chinese medication. This man who broke into the house, pointed a knife at the young lady and forced himself in her. (Why God didn't let the lightning strike on that man or talk to his conscience to prevent this tragedy?) Years later, thank God that this young lady was blessed with great recovery emotionally. And not only that she has grown closer to God, she also became counselor for many rape victims and saved their lives. God did used her! (end of story)

At this point, I thought that why God would use us in such a hard way? Please read on to the answer that I got. This is because God has given us free will and often we abuse it to sinful acts and impurity therefore create sufferings unto ourselves. In Genesis v3:17-19, God says to Adam, "Since you listened to your wife and ate from the tree whose fruit I commanded you not to eat, this ground is cursed because of you. All your life you will struggle to scratch a living from it. It will grow thorns and thistles for you, though you will eat of his grain." Therefore, we cannot blame God for our sufferings.

On the other hand, to think about it that if our lives have not been full of obstacles and troubles, our relationship with God might not be as close as now. It is through our hardship that we learn to appreciate God's love and what He has given us. Through this we strengthen our relationship with God.

To elaborate further, imagine our lives are wealthy, healthy, no pain, no sufferings and having all the good things in life, we may be thankful to God in the beginning but due to our sinful nature, we will soon become unappreciative to God. He knew our weakness therefore He has a better plan, greater than our own, which we may not comprehend and understand from it. I believe that God will not choose to harm us, He will always help us and lessen the harm.

Another simple and short story told by my brother, Jeremiah. :
There is this man, who had disaster fell on him. Thousands of rocks and stone came crashing on him so he started to pray to God. As he felt the pain due to the enormous of stone rapidly falling on him, he blamed God.. "God, God, why did you help me?" and suddenly he heard a voice from the upper land "Yes I did I did, please hang on for awhile, it may be a little painful!". As the man turn and looked, God is holding on all the big rocks while only the small stones slipped off and hit the man.

Dear Jesus, you are our loving God and you set the greatest example as being a holy person. For that all of us yearn and desire to be like you. So God, I wanna thank you for giving me all the loving, caring and knowledgeable brothers and sisters who never cease to guide all new believers including myself in knowing the bible and You better. This is the opportunity you gave us to grow and walking closer with you Lord. Lord, I want to thank you for every plans you have for us. Lord, I want to pray for my brothers and sisters and myself, to be humble before you and be patience for the answers come to clear our doubts. We shall not conclude harshly as we know that God you work in wonders and did it at a most suitable timing. Lord I pray for all brothers and sisters that we will all grow spiritually and walk closer to you in your plans for us. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen!

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Brothers and sisters.. how many times have you prayed so hard for something but yet it didn't happen and instead it goes the reverse way? You start to lose faith in Jesus at this point? Don't be my dear.. For our wisdom is never as high as God, many things happen for certain reasons that we might not understand. Remember that God know what is the best for us. If we are truly his children, there is no way He will want to hurt us, He will only choose to hurt us the lesser. You may also question yourself that are you living up to the standard of Jesus? If you have your prayers result in a reverse manner and have lack of wisdom to understand why is that so, I encourage you to continue improve yourself by praying to God to transform you into the kind of person you will best be. Not all Christians who receive Jesus as their Lord and Saviour will go to heaven in 100%. We have the sinful nature that is consistently separating us from God. We must be in a constant struggle to reach up for God's standard for truly being His child and disciple. Before we start to blame God, please question ourselves how much have we done for God? At this point, you may choose to lie to yourself and avoid the whole fact and situation that your prayer result in reverse and you fall short of God's glory, but when the time comes, your doings will still be revealed and you have to face the punishments.

When you think that you fall short of God's glory, do not feel inferior as we are all the same. But we must discipline ourselves and constantly pray to ask for the strength we need, disciple, determination, wisdom and whichever necessary, in order to help us to shine for God.
Matthew 7:7 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you
So, brothers and sisters, pray to God sincerely and you shall experience the miraculous side of your gifted new life. Only.. only.. only.. when you have finally experienced it, you will love Him and feel God's presence in your heart. For those who are not yet a Christian, I tell you this..

Christianity is to have a personal relationship with God. When you have felt God's love and presence in your life, you can never deny or reject it. Nobody can reject His love when they have received. It is only when you have not give yourself a chance to know God and have not felt His love, you will live away with it and remain unbelieved.

There is also another group of people I believe, that you want to give yourself a chance to know God, but you find yourself have no one around you that can relate it to you, or you find that their words are not convincing and unreliable. You might want to give it another chance and come to me. Because I am one living example who been through that stage. I searched for the answer for 6 months. I am able to find it because I never give up and I'm proud that I did the right thing and now I am the child of God. =)

Dear Jesus, I thank you for bringing all of us, brothers and sisters together so that when whoever is down, there is someone there for us and we never feel lonely. I thank you for coming among us and spread your love among us. Father in heaven, I pray so much for those who have been feeling down and start losing faith at this time, due to bad experiences happened in their life. May their holy spirits guide them and remind them of the Fatherly Love and let it remain in them to comfort them at this time. Holy spirit to inspire them to pray and seek for God's presence at this time so that Jesus can be involve in their life and walk with them and fill them we spirit and love. Father, I pray and ask for the wisdom that we need to understand your purposes so as we could do things right. Thank you father for giving me the sensitivity to feel your presence so strong. Please let it continue so I shall have a chance to inspire somebody us. May God use me to work on others as well. In Jesus' name, Amen!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Loving Jesus

Dear brothers and sisters, I am sure that we have often say "I Love You Lord" during our worship to God weekly in our church. I'm sure that God loves us definitely but I'm not sure if we love our God truthfully. To love God, we must first identify him.. know about him.. understand his love for us. Just like how would you love someone that you don't even know? True faith comes from the true understanding towards our God, and then we know how to love Him. If you truly love God, would you even think of going against God? If you truly love someone, you will never want to go against him/her. You want to be there with him/her. It goes the same for God. Our love for God should be magnificent than everything. For this love, we shall not go against His teachings and we shall not defy and deny Him. Ask yourself, if someone point a gun right at your head and if you admit you are the child of God, he will shoot you. At this point, how firm have you stand with Jesus? Would you still express your love for God? You must be questioning me the same right? I'll tell you the truth, I don't know. But that will be my goal and minimum standard for Faith and Love for Jesus Christ.

Dear Jesus, we thank you for your presence every time we pray. For we're all just a tiny part of Your master piece, we sincerely seek you in our life. God please help us to know you better and draw ourselves closer to you. Please soften our hearts so that we could sense you at all times. For attaining your acceptance to us, we exercise your words and follow your commandments in fulfilling ourselves with a pure heart, just to see you when the day comes. We long for the first sight of you Lord.. Please bless brothers and sisters with a pure and softened heart so that we could connect to you at all times. May our love with you strengthen each day, each hour, each minute, each second and each moment. In Jesus' name, Amen!


Brothers and sisters, today I want to share with you guys about how I pray and repent for my own sin. Whenever we sin, be it lust, selfishness, greeds, arrogance or others.. we should always seek Jesus for forgiveness. The bible says sin is the barrier between God and us because we did not live up to God's standard and glory. I know the battle with satan is difficult, therefore we need to seek God's help. Simply mumble or run the prayers in our mind casually is not going to help. This is what I do that I wanna share...

Go to a spot where you can look up into the sky. Tell yourself to soften your heart at this moment, remember how Jesus sacrifice himself through the torment and pain? For each sin contributes in Jesus' pain. It's our sin that causes Jesus' death. So now... seek strength from God so that we could handle satan and be the true disciple and children of God. Ask our holy spirit to remind us about Jesus' pain the next time when we are about to sin. Then keep your mind where it is now and think about Jesus for a minute or more.. Think about the great things that happen in your life and that are given by Him. For the gratitude and appreciations, we promise to sin no more.

Dear Jesus, I thank you for giving us all the great things in life, and support us in such a peaceful and safe land call Singapore. As we live in the peace, we often forgot and neglected the wellness you put us in. There are so many others who are less fortunate than us but why? Because Jesus you have loved us and keep us safe and loved. For this, brothers and sisters, we must remind ourselves about all the good things we received and never forget to thank God and appreciate them. And not be selfish to share the good things we receive from God with others, so as to spread God's love. What is given to us came from God, that we cannot receive them by ourselves. For this, we shall not greed because each gift is a bonus. For everything come through God, we will not be arrogant and proud to claim the credits to ourselves. Instead, be humble and thank God and everyone who helped us in the achievements. Amen!

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Today while on my way to photocopy the IC size photo, I prayed for the recovery of my hand, as it hurts. Tomorrow is my Police Officer interview and I do not want my performance in physical test to go down. I have consulted 3 different physician for nearly 3 months while having this injury on my right wrist. How can I get healed within 24 hours to my interview? I prayed.. and prayed..

Upon reaching the photo shop at 2:45pm, they're closed and having lunch. What a weird timing for lunch? So I sat at a bench, then I continued to pray with my eyes closed. When I open my eyes, I saw Ma Guang clinic. Something tells me that I should go in and do the therapy. So I went and I sms-ed some of my bros and my darling to pray for my recovery. Pray for Jesus to heal me through this therapy session. After the therapy, my hand actually recovered alot! Not complete yet but left about maybe say 20%? It's a great improvement! I'm so glad that God answered me on time! And thanks to my bros too! Currently the pain had eased and the only situation that triggers the pain is in full stretched twist of the wrist! I can do a normal push up now! Isn't it great? Oh my!

Dear Jesus, I thank you for answering the prayers of mine along with my brothers and darling. You have it answered just in time Lord. May you bless my brothers and sisters in obtaining greater spiritual growth! May brothers and sisters feel your presence with us and having you closer to our heart and soul. Lord, please guide us in working on the ultimate mission as Christians. May our knowledge, faith and feeling stood firm with you Lord. In Jesus name, Amen!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Living With Jesus

Dear brothers and sisters.. I just want to remind you that.. in our daily life, we pray to God and ask for assistance from the Holy Spirit, sometimes we didn't get any response at all. Maybe we're not sensitive towards God and how He works, so we're unable to receive the message He wanted to tell us. When something happen, maybe Holy Spirit would drop some thought into our mind. If you think it's coincidence, then you might just missed the message. Nothing is coincidence because God works in wonders and God's Grace is hard to spot and receive that's why we have to take every hint and pray for it.

Dear Jesus, I pray for the brothers and sisters who are viewing this blog will be more sensitive to You and able to feel your presence. May they work with you closely in their life so that they could understand You, Jesus. Put you in every aspects of their life so you could guide them. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen!

Good News!

Past Oldest Postings:

Once I prayed "God if you are real, please guide me back to you again if I have been drifted away from you. No matter how reluctant I am, please guide me back." And soon I got to Civil Defense for my National Service and I am really disappointed. I wanted to sign-on to SAF initially but I actually applied for Police Force as a Junior Officer two weeks before my enlistment to SCDF. So yeah, I'm totally lost when I receive the NS letter indicate my enlistment in SCDF.

When I get into SCDF, I got to know someone call Richard Ng. Somehow, Richard wanted to go ERS but wasn't selected for it. For my case, I am selected for the ERS but I walk out from the interview because I have no interests. Soon Richard and I become friends and we start going to Camp together with another Richard's (Richard Heng) family car. We spoke about martial art and to learned that Richard Ng is interested in it. So I offer to share with him my training. We start to become close and one night, I saw Richard reading a bible. I casually asked him to bring me to his Church and he did. What an insincere request from me..

So I went and the moment we start praising the Lord, immediately I remembered all the prayers I prayed and to realize that it came true! Many decisions that I made was really casual and eventually brought me to Hope Church. Then I finally understand why I am suppose to go to SCDF. I go SCDF to meet Richard so I could come to Hope Church. Soon after I sincerely received Christ as my Lord and Saviour on 23rd August 2008. After such holy moments, SCDF offer us to sign on to ERS which what Richard hoping for! It's so miraculous in the whole stretch of incidents! I have my prayers fulfilled!

Today God answered my another prayer which been long. I received notice from SPF that I have been short-listed for the position of Police Junior Officer. I am called down to Police Force Career Centre for interview on this coming friday 8:15am =) I applied for the Police Officer position 2 weeks before my NS. The staff said that it's too late and ask me to re-apply again 2 months before my ORD. I am rejected from the application and now I am offered for the post again. Isn't this miraculous?

I mentioned in the past posting about why I didn't have any response from my prayer about my career. The conclusion was that I am to put God before me in every aspect of my life so He could show me the direction. And I also mentioned that Richard got his opportunity in ERS as regular. I felt that God really put us together to meet in SCDF. After Richard has brought me to Jesus, both of us have our desired path opened after all. Really.. Thank God.

Dear Jesus you have been so responsive to me. I appreciate and I wanna thank you for all you have done for me so far. Please bless your children.. In Jesus name, Amen! =P

Monday, September 15, 2008

Hannah's Message

I want to blog about something happen on Saturday, 13 Aug 08. My mum was back home in the morning to visit Bobby and me. While having the breakfast she bought for me, mum casually asked me about if my Aunt(Dad's 2nd elder sis) contacted me.. Then I told mum that aunt invited dad to the church and I brought dad there. Immediately she said "这么没智慧。被人家牵着鼻子走。" and I was rather disappointed because the rejection towards Jesus announced.

I went to see doctor again and I took 291 (yellow board) from tampines interchange to somewhere near Temasek Poly. In the bus I walk all the way to the rear and sat at the last seat. Then I saw this message written on the seat(vandalism!!).. here it goes:

I pray for you today and everyday,
That if you hear God's voice today,
Your heart will not be hardened.
Be the son of light for God,
Expose all the darkness
And live in the righteousness of God. - Hannah

Thanks Hannah! What I am trying to share is that.. As long as you have Faith, whenever you're down, Jesus will not leave you alone. For my case, I have experienced several times when I feel disappointed towards Jesus, something will definitely happen on the very day to cheer me up! My Shepard Richard reminded me this.. "Only those with the heart of child can attach with Jesus." This is because, when we grow up, we tends to use our brain more than our heart. Ask yourself, how many friends can you get out there when you start your working life. Honestly, with Jesus, the back-stabbing environment doesn't bother me at all. I only believe in Jesus and that His Love can change all things.

I pray...
Dear Jesus, I thank you for planning on such a fine day today. I want to thank you for the support and guidance you have dropped on me through the day and everyday to keep me on the track in order to answer to my past prayers, Love, Purity and Faith. Jesus I want to pray for my brothers and sisters, Richard, Donald, Jeremiah, Tobias, Moses, Jeremy, Kimberley, Alina and Hannah for their wellness in the coming days ahead. May their career/studies go well with your support and blessings. For those bros or sis who yet to receive Faith and Relation with you, please help them in experiencing the Grace of God's work. Jesus, I also pray that this coming saturday I am able to bring one friend down to the church as a chance for him to know you. Hoping for more people would come to know you and receive you as their Lord and Saviour so as to touch their life with your Love and Affections. I'm so glad that I have such a noble and loving God. In Jesus' name, I pray.. Amen!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Love Shared, Joy Doubled.

Lord, I thank you for helping me so much in becoming the kind of person you want me to be. This week I have felt great changes. Finally I can fully forgive the people I hated. It's a very nice feeling to live without any ugly emotion within myself. You know I realized I liked to talk to people about Jesus.. When I have him with me, joy is with me. When I share with someone else about him, my joy doubled. I think sharing with our brothers or sisters about God's Grace will be a great session for remembering who is God and appreciate whatever that God has helped and gave us. I mentioned about my dad has become a Christian.. As my dad is not a very literally educated person, he does not have the opportunity to read the bible at the moment.. But I realized that he listened to Christian songs every night while re-sorting his life and thought at the same time. I am really grateful to the Lord that giving me such a miraculous blessing! Why is it so miraculous? You know my dad once a "tiao dang" buddhist. "tiao dang" in dialect means those who invite spirit to enter their body then help others to convey "holy message". For him who once an extreme towards buddhism has find Love and Peace in Lord Jesus.. What Grace..!

Tomorrow will be another exciting day because it's SERVICE DAY! When and where I could meet up and spend time with my brothers.. Jeremiah, Donald, Richard, Moses, Tobias and lots more.. Miss you guys man! Oops, you guys will only know this if you read this blog.. which currently at the moment, nobody knew this URL yet.. =X Well.. I'm not a psycho who speak to myself.. Because these posts and blog is created for my Lord Jesus himself.. When there's no one accessing this site, Jesus will. =)

Thank you so much Jesus whom crucified himself to save us and set us free. And I believe Freedom is Power. May Lord bless the lovely brothers and sisters who will come to read this blog in the future. Now I will spend 30 minutes to pray for all my brothers, sisters and friends before I begin my training. Lord, please guide me during my training as well. In Jesus name, I pray...

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Yesterday's Gift

Yesterday, in the early afternoon, I was so disappointed that Lord did not answer to two of my prayers. First is my career, second is my injured right wrist. I thought Lord is not going to heal me and I went to see the professional chinese doctor at tampines. After that I went to service. The first thing we did when the service start was to pray for the brothers and sisters who has been unwell. And my brothers prayed for my injury! It's a surprised that suddenly we were to do this! I have a little hope again that Lord is responding to me again!

Later on during the sermon, I listened and I finally realized that why Lord has not respond to my prayer for a direction in future career! Comprehended from the preaching, I have not make God's presence in every aspects of my life so that God could make me partner with him and work on my life! This was the answer that why my prayer is delayed! Oh my hope is back again thanks to Hope Church haha~ Now, all I have to do is put God before every aspects of my life so that I will live my life through God.

After the service, I received the gift of holy spirit which enable me to speak in tongue with the help from Bro Jeremiah, Bro Moses and Bro Tobias. I took around 7 minutes to feel the desire and mumbled. I Thank you my Lord Jesus for bringing the gift of Holy Spirit to me. =) Praise the Lord!

Receiving Christ

23 August 2008 is my special day. It's the day where I sincerely receive Lord Jesus in my life. It is at Hope Church where I receive Christ. I have a new life and my spirit has reborn. God is amazing in his work. Every prayer I did, it all came true. Long ago, I went to the Chapel of Resurrection over at Potong Pasir and I was reluctant to go. But I tell myself "Why not give myself a chance to know God. If I still didn't believe, I could simply stop going to church next time." so I went. I didn't like that place.. Their culture totally turn me off.. But I still went a few times and I eventually receive Christ for the first time at the second visit. Although it wasn't sincere but I cannot explain why did my feet bring myself forward to receive Christ. So how does everything get started? Here it goes...

I tried to pray, but I don't know who I'm praying to. I just say "Somebody up there... bla bla bla". Eventually, I really did feel that someone is listening.. I really did feel that someone is acknowledging my prayer. I cannot explain why. So I prayed, "God if you are real, please get me a church where I feel at ease and where you will reveal your presence to me.". I tried my best to keep my prayer constant every night but soon I start to forget about it. Once I prayed "God if you are real, please guide me back to you again if I have been drifted away from you. No matter how reluctant I am, please guide me back." And soon I got to Civil Defense for my National Service and I am really disappointed. I wanted to sign-on to SAF initially but I actually applied for Police Force as a Junior Officer two weeks before my enlistment to SCDF. So yeah, I'm totally lost when I receive the NS letter indicate my enlistment in SCDF.

When I get into SCDF, I got to know someone call Richard Ng. Somehow, Richard wanted to go ERS but wasn't selected for it. For my case, I am selected for the ERS but I walk out from the interview because I have no interests. Soon Richard and I become friends and we start going to Camp together with another Richard's (Richard Heng) family car. We spoke about martial art and to learned that Richard Ng is interested in it. So I offer to share with him my training. We start to become close and one night, I saw Richard reading a bible. I casually asked him to bring me to his Church and he did. What an insincere request from me..

So I went and the moment we start praising the Lord, immediately I remembered all the prayers I prayed and to realize that it came true! Many decisions that I made was really casual and eventually brought me to Hope Church. Then I finally understand why I am suppose to go to SCDF. I go SCDF to meet Richard so I could come to Hope Church. Soon after I sincerely received Christ as my Lord and Saviour on 23rd August 2008. After such holy moments, SCDF offer us to sign on to ERS which what Richard hoping for! It's so miraculous in the whole stretch of incidents! I have my prayers fulfilled!

Another prayer that came true today.. 07 September 08, that my Dad received Christ! Last week I brought my dad to church for the first time, and it was the church that I am uncomfortable with. We went there and it was raining heavily! I prayed to Lord Jesus for the rain to stop so we don't miss the sermon.. but the rain continues.. We took a cab and get into the church late and I suppose the service is over. But guess what!? The service somehow started late and we're on time! Oh praise and thank the Lord! I also prayed that Lord could help me in making the service more comfortable for dad and be there to guide dad in knowing Lord Jesus. Somehow dad doesn't feel comfortable as well on the first visit. But when I reached home, dad somehow say he will go to church again next week (which is today) by his own! I really cannot understand how and why he will be willing to go to that church again and alone! He said he like the singing we did when we praise the Lord. And I prayed to Lord Jesus that Lord could enter dad's life and change his life for the better. Give dad guidance and lead a meaningful life from now onwards and dad received Christ today. Praise the Lord!

Each day, each prayers that came true.. My faith grew stronger and stronger. That is no reason I will deny my Lord. There is no reason for too much coincidence. There is no reason to doubt the response from Lord. Thank you Lord Jesus for always be there to listen to my prayer. =)